Friday, July 17, 2009

Greetings and Salutations

Hello Friends,
The initial post of The Sleepy Baptist and I hope it makes sense. I was recently given an ipod, which I am convinced is perhaps the greatest invention since, oh say, the idea of music itself, and I discovered podcasting. My favorite podcast is one by a man named Michael Spencer. You may know him by his blogs name- The Internet Monk. Anyway, inspired by Michael Spencer, I decided to try my hand at keeping a blog. I will post on ideas and things I am thinking about, usually related to Christianity or how the Christian faith intertwines with contemporary culture and politics. Religion and politics- two of the greatest things to talk about!
For those of you who are familiar with the journal First Things, I hope for this blog to be similar in style to Fr. Neuhaus' observations in the concluding pages of the journal. Although, I am by no means anywhere as well read and as intelligent as he was, God rest his soul. He was an absolute genius and an example of a life greatly lived.
I will be back soon with a more complete post- just consider this a mere introduction.
God Bless You and surround you with angels.
I'll be back soon,
